PresentationsLanguage, man, culture: a psycholinguist's viewMSU, Faculty of Philology, Russia, 119991, Moscow, GSP-1, 1-51 Leninskie Gory, 1 Humanitarian Building Methodologically, our research is based on the theory of consciousness developed in the psychological theory of activity by A.N. Leontiev, and differs from other similar works in its explanatory orientation. The theory of linguistic consciousness developed at the Moscow Psycholinguistic School is used as the general theoretical basis of the study. I will focus on several aspects of the relationship between language, man and culture. The first problem is the language in a person as its central functional organ, which ensures the functioning of all other higher mental functions (perception, thinking, etc.). The formation of language ability is subject to certain laws, supported by the work of brain structures. The main achievement on this path is the mastery of the sign as the main human tool, which opens up access to culture for the child, to the opportunity to form an image of the world of his culture as an indicative basis of behavior. The formation of language abilities goes through certain stages and is carried out in a certain sequence. Formal education also plays an important role in this process. The concept of "functional illiteracy" appeared in the 90s of the XX century. The reason for this is the informalization of logical thinking structures due to the fact that students do not read and analyze texts, since school curricula are not aimed at understanding what they read, but at simply reproducing it. Piaget emphasized that "the more complex thought structures become, the more language is required to complete them" [1]. The second aspect is value as a socio-cultural phenomenon, as a derivative of culture. A huge database of associative data collected over the past 50 years by the Moscow Psycholinguistic School (dictionaries RAS, EVRAS, SEABASS 1, SEABASS 2 , KRASUS , all the material was collected before the beginning of the SVO), allows you to trace changes in the content of the linguistic consciousness of several generations of native speakers Russian language/culture and link these changes with the socio-political situation in Russian society. The approach from the standpoint of the Moscow Psycholinguistic School allows us to analyze the knowledge that is formed in the image of the world and is attached to the bodies of language signs, and not only their content, but also their consistency. .
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