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Mathematical Models in Chemistry, Biology, Medicine
Belyaeva N.E., Lebedeva G.V., Riznichenko G.Yu.
Kinetic model of primary photosynthetic processes in chloroplasts. Modeling of electric potential on thylakoid membrane
(2003) 15 pp.
Chizhenkova R.A.
Linear and nonlinear relationships in neuronal effects of microwave exposure: interspike intervals
(2003) 8 pp.
Dudorov V.V., Melchakova T.A.
Mathematical model of a microscopically equilibrate dissociation–recombination of a chemical bond in a gas phase
(2003) 10 pp.
Furletova N.M., Karp V.P., Mirskaya M.A., Nikitin A.P.
Monitoring of isolated microflora spectrum and susceptibility at hospital
(2003) 9 pp.
Furletova N.M., Karp V.P., Mirskaya M.A., Nikitin A.P.
Monitoring of microorganisms antibioticoresistance part 1. Gramnegative microflora
(2003) 11 pp.
Furletova N.M., Karp V.P., Mirskaya M.A., Nikitin A.P.
Monitoring of microorganisms antibioticoresistance part 2. Grampositive microflora
(2003) 10 pp.
G.V. Lebedeva, M. Jalal Kamali, O.V. Demin, N.E. Belyaeva, G.Yu.Riznichenko
Kinetic model of cytochrome bf complex. Fiting of model parameters to experimental data obtained on thylakoid suspension
(2003) 10 pp.
Kovalenko I.B., Riznichenko G.Yu.
Modeling of cyclic electron transport around photosystem 1
(2003) 12 pp.
Kovalenko I.B., Ustinin D.M., Grachev N.E., Grachev E.A., Riznichenko G.Yu.
Direct modeling of cyclic electron transport around photosystem 1
(2003) 10 pp.
Minkevich I.G.
The dynamics of age distribution of cellular populations
(2003) 12 pp.
Mozgovaya M.N., Malkov A.S.
Time-space development of cell system
(2003) 6 pp.
Saveliev A.P.
Model of the rhythmical sporogenesis in Streptomyces colonies
(2003) 9 pp.
Shigaev A.S., Susak I.P., Ponomarev O.A., Kubarev S.I., Kubareva I.S., Fesenko E.E.
The effect of weak and low-frequency magnetic field on radical pair recombination probability
(2003) 12 pp.
Susak I.P., Shigaev A.S., Ponomarev O.A., Fesenko E.E.
The primary mechanism of low-frequency electromagnetic-radiation influnce on biological liquid
(2003) 8 pp.
Taranenko A.M.
Introduction to mathematical endoecology. Is the cellular homeostasis a multiwinding cycle with “a repair lag” at the end?
(2003) 17 pp.
Tatyana V. Dyukova, Martin Kessel
Optical properties of monomeric bacteriorhodopsin immobilized in gelatin films
(2003) 11 pp.
V.D.Lakhno, E.V.Sobolev, N.S.Fialko, V.V.Baryshnikov, L.A.Kirzhemanov
Database on charge transfer in DNA
(2003) 8 pp.
Vasil’eva L. Yu., Lapina G. P., Vasil’eva E. Yu.
The functional role of the symmetry in the D-metals coordination combinations
(2003) 6 pp.
Yakushevich L.V.
On the parameters of the dynamical models of DNA
(2003) 9 pp.
А.С. Poghosyan
Erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes in acupunctured patients
(2003) 9 pp.
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