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Conference publications
XXIV conference
Analysis of Complex Biological Systems: Physiology and Biomedicine
Серовайский С.Я., Азимов А.А., Нурсеитов Д.Б.
Identification of the mathematical model of bacteria population evolution with using genetic algorithms
(2017) 1 pp.
Устинин М.Н.
Реконструкция функциональной структуры человеческого тела по его магнитному полю
Воронова В.М., Жуденков К.В., Песков К.В.
Использование математических моделей углеводного обмена для разработки и оптимизации терапии диабета
(2017) 1 pp.
Толмачева Е.А., Сазонова М.Е., Максименко М.Ю.
Подверженность оптико-геометрическим иллюзиям во взаимосвязи с успеваемостью по математике у детей младшего школьного возраста
(2017) 1 pp.
Крупина Н.В., Хныкина К.А., Верина Е.В.
Определение спектров комбинационного рассеяния D-глюкозы
(2017) 1 pp.
Фесенко Е.Е.
Проблемы криоконсервации
Ivlev D.A., Dzhumaeva Sh.N., Uzlova S.G., Guria K.G.
Ultrasound for monitoring and correction of hemostasis in vitro
(2017) 1 pp.
Kudryavtsev V.A., Oborin V.A., Shatrov A.V.
Research of dynamics of the sedimenting layer for erythrocytes of blood
(2017) 1 pp.
Kudryavtsev V.F., Shatrov A.V.
Modelling of stability for homeostatic states at organizm injections tetrachlormethane
(2017) 1 pp.
Ponomarev I.A., Zlobina K.E., Guria G.Th.
Modeling of coagulation processes in human systemic hemodynamics
(2017) 2 pp.
Ivanko T.Y., Zlobina K.E.
Mathematical modeling of collective phenomena in ensembles of platelets
(2017) 1 pp.
Kasumov Kh.M.
The development of a new transport systems based on positively charged trans-membrane channels
(2017) 2 pp.
Koltover V.K.
Theory of Reliability and Aging: from Mathematics to Practice
(2017) 1 pp.
Kovalenko S.Yu.
Mathematical Model of Radiotherapy and Chimiotherapy of Glioma with BBB
(2017) 1 pp.
Kuznetsov M.B., Kolobov A.V.
Influence of interstitial fluid dynamics on growth and therapy of angiogenic tumor
(2017) 1 pp.
Martynova A.
Exploring Brain Riddles
(2017) 1 pp.
Medvedeva D.I., Morozova G.I.
Modeling of thymocytes erythropoietin stimulating process, taking into account the properties of mitochondria as elektric cabel
(2017) 1 pp.
Petrosyants A.A., Ershov Yu.A., Akopyan V.B., Al'kov S.V.
The model of US-phacodispersion at the eye operation
(2017) 1 pp.
Plotnikova M., Gorbacheva T.
SNP genotyping
(2017) 1 pp.
Romanetz I.A., Kurilovich A.A., Kopylov Ph.Yu., Guria G.Th.
The topological approach for the description of ECG changes in the task of the monitoring of transitional critical states in cardiodynamics
(2017) 2 pp.
Skladchikov S.A., Savenkova N.P., Novoderegkin V.V.
Investigation of the causes of glaucoma. Mathematical modeling hydrodynamic outflow fluid through the Schlemm's canal
(2017) 1 pp.
Titarenko M.A., Baydik O.D., Borisov A.V., Kistenev Yu.V., Shapovalov A.V.
Diagnostics of oral lichen planus using the technique of laser terahertz spectroscopy
(2017) 1 pp.
Tsvetkova A., Ozerov I., Pustovalova M., Grekhova A., Osipov A.
Comparative analysis of γH2AX and Rad51 protein foci changes during prolonged X-ray irradiation in proliferating vs quiescent human mesenchymal stromal cells
(2017) 1 pp.
Yatchenko E., Rakcheeva T.
Simulation of Blood Flow and Border Interaction in Human Vessel
(2017) 1 pp.
Zhigacheva I.V., Erokhin V.N., Volodkin A.A.
Drug Anphen as an adaptogen with broad spectrum of action
(2017) 1 pp.
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