
Conference publications


XXIV conference

Exploring Brain Riddles

Martynova A.

Russian State University for Humanities, Institute for Information Sciences and Security Technologies, Faculty of Information Systems and Security, Department of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Russia, 117534, Moscow, Kirovogradskaya Street 25, bldg. 2, Tel. 8(495)250-64-93, e-mail:

1 pp. (accepted)

The work deals with mathematical description of brain processes [1]. For instance, through informational entropy we can measure how “interesting” or “surprising” the set of responses on stimulus is. It can be calculated as follows:

H=-(1-P[r+])log2(1-P[r+])-P[r+]log2P[r+] (1)

The study considers how habits influence on our life and how bad habits can be changed for good [6].

We will look from the inside how our memory works, what influences on our brain productivity and how to make our brain work better and be less congested [2,4,7].

We will explore responsibilities of different brain parts and research the nervous system as a whole inherent vital part of human body [3]. What diseases the brain is susceptible to, how they can be treated and if not then why.

And we will look what makes our brain unique [5].

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