PresentationsProblems of modern biomedical physics, modeling and ways to solve themResearch Center “IKAR” 426068, Izhevsk, st. Architect P.P. Bersh, 29. ikar@udm.ru, +79120037171 Unfortunately, scientists, without solving nonlinear ODEs, even for one and two particles, taking into account their spins and magnetic moments, proceeded to a further description of the non-linear world around us based on phenomenological equations.
Centuries passed before it became clear [1-5] that the linearization and digitization of equations and taking into account the terms of only Coulomb ~ 1/r and centrifugal ~ 1/r2, without taking into account ~ 1/r3 (of the type dipole - dipole, spin) and without analog modeling are fundamentally erroneous for modern biomedical physics of living and non-living systems. Modern "linear" physics has not coped with the description of the non-linear world. Scientists, when solving and deriving equations to explain the problems that arose, threw out the "child" with water (classical nonlinear mechanics and electrodynamics).
In 1988, an analytical method based on the principle of least action was developed to contain and control the dynamics of bodies and particles in inhomogeneous fields, taking into account their charges, spins, and dipole moments outside and in zones of nonlinear parametric resonance [1, 3]. The method has become "tweezers and a scalpel" for resonant confinement of bodies and particles in atomic traps, and for new technologies [3, 5]. Accounting for spin interactions ~ 1/r3 (Spin Isomers - SI) [1-5] led to an understanding of the processes occurring in aqueous solutions, in non-living and non-living systems and to the selective control of their dynamics.
The experiments and mathematical modeling (digital, analog, symbolic) at the ATsVK-Rusalka confirmed the possibility of selective control of particle dynamics and biochemical reactions under resonance conditions, and the role of Spin Isomers for nonequilibrium systems was realized [2–5].
1. Shironosov V.G. On the stability of unstable states, bifurcation, chaos of nonlinear dynamical systems. - DAN USSR, vol. 314, No. 2, 1990. Pp. 316-320.
2. Shironosov V.G. The problem of two magnetic dipoles taking into account the equations of motion of their spins. - Izv. universities, Physics, vol. 28, no. 7, 1985, p. 74-78.
3. Shironosov V.G. Resonance in physics, chemistry and biology. - Izhevsk. Publishing House "Udmurt University", 2000. 92 p.
4. Proceedings of the 5th All-Russian Conference "Physics of aqueous solutions". - Moscow, RAS, 2022. 100 pages.
5. Shironosov V.G. Forceps and scalpel for nano- and biotechnologies. – “IIS-RT”, sb.44-2, 2008, sb.75-1, 2020. Application for Invention No. 2021112973 from 04.20.2020.
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