

Interactive information technology distance teaching disciplines "Chamber ensemle."

Gernet N.D., Lisitskaya E.V.1

Ukrainian association "women in science and education" ;

1Moskow Gubensky colledg of arts141406, Khimki, Bibliotechnaya, 10 Tel. +7 9163276011

"The time is out of joint, - O cursed spite,

That ever I was born to set it right!"

W. Shakespeare, «Hamlet».

The generalization of the accumulated experience, the fixation of patterns, the study of features, the systematization of identities, as a result, enable a person to solve more and more multifaceted, voluminous tasks. But life also prepares us for new tests. The transition to distance learning (DL) in order to prevent the spread of diseases to the coronavirus Covid-19 made it urgent to choose tools to ensure maximum perception of the subject by students. The authors previously developed an information technology (IT) for choosing such a toolkit, using a synergistic approach that considers the mechanisms of interaction of various, maximally diverse, teaching tools, which allows you to create new, more complex cognitive structures that can provide a multidimensional perception of the subject under study. The results obtained were applied to create an interactive IT distance teaching discipline "Chamber Ensemble" (CE). In CE, it is always relevant to maximize the disclosure of the idea of a musical work (MW). The complex task of adequately interpreting the CE of the composer's intention becomes extremely difficult in the conditions of DL, since the classical methods based on live hearing, emotional interaction, intuitive-sensory perception require direct contact (DC). The need to integrate into a single performance of the MW demanded the organization of an interactive IT interaction of the quarantined members of the ensemble, led by the teacher, using a large number of both technical means, software for the ability to exchange individual parts of a single MW, and modern musicological worldview, largely based on the latest knowledge different areas of science. A professionally carried out iterative process of bringing the disparate parts of a single whole (the composer's author's intention) closer together can lead to a "miracle" - the unification of a CE that conveys to the listener emotions, colors, feelings, ideas embedded in the MW. The experience DL for a CE showed that the IT used gave an unexpectedly active impetus during the transition to full-time education, the effectiveness of training increased markedly. At the same time, distance learning significantly reduces risks, transport, time and resource costs. Blended learning is promising, in which DL compensates for the shortcomings of the DC, and the DC compensates for the disadvantages of DL.


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