
Conference publications

Potassium fenozan reduces production of active forms of oxygen in hypoxia and hypotermia

Zhigacheva I.V., EvseenkonL.S., Burlakova E.B.

"Математика. Компьютер. Образование". Cб. трудов XVII международной конференции. Под общей редакцией Г.Ю. Ризниченко Ижевск: Научно-издательский центр "Регулярная и хаотическая динамика", 2010 (in press). (accepted)

Adaptogenic properties of drugs, in particular, potassium fenozan was determined by the ability to reduce the intensity of lipid peroxidation (LPO), activated long-term storage ( "aging") of liver mitochondria at room temperature. The drug reduced the fluorescence intensity of LPO products in concentrations of 10-.8 - 10,-16 given a 16 10-18-10-22M. The injection of the drug to rats at a dose of 10-14M 20-30% increased survival of animals under conditions of hypoxia and low temperature stress. The assumption about the possibility of using the model of "aging" to identify adaptogenic properties of drugs.

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