

Problems of modern teacher education

Novikova G.V.

Faculty of Pedagogical Education M.V. Lomonosov MSU, Russia, 119991, Moscow, Leninsky Mountains, d. 1 p. 52, (495) 939-42-81, E-mail:

The main challenge of the pedagogical profession today is the huge gap between the declared goals of the pedagogical activity and the reality of the modern educational environment of the school and the university. Despite the accepted standard of the profession of teacher, there is no common understanding of the professional functions of the teacher, the competence approach does not give reliable measurements to assess the readiness of the teacher for professional activity. The shortage of teaching staff in schools in Russia has been discussed repeatedly in the Russian Union of Rectors, according to official data this deficit is between 1% and 10%, on average 3.7% [1].

Pedagogical education suffers from a lack of pedagogical practice and the need to master many theoretical concepts and approaches. Future teachers are obliged to study different conceptual systems: in addition to the generally accepted personality-oriented and competence-oriented approaches, in the training programs are presented systemic and system-active, axiological, cultural, dialogical, communicative, subjective and anthropological pedagogical approaches. Very little attention is paid to didactics. The need to create a holistic image of the profession is said by the rector of pedagogical universities [2]. Even a well-trained teacher will experience difficulties in teaching subjects to schoolchildren who have not mastered general education skills, such pupils account for 35% [3, P. 10].


1. Holina M. The acute shortage of personnel is more related to the lack of subject teachers. [E-mail Resource] URL: (Circulation date 10.11.2024)

2. Bolotov V.A. Levitsky M.L., Remorenko I.M. Serikov V.V. Pedagogical education in the context of challenges and problems of the 21st century: relevance of transformation // Pedagogical education in modern Russia: strategic orientations of development : monograph/ Southern Federal University; Scientific Editor Y. P. Zinchenko. - Rostov-on-Don ; Taganrog : Publishing house of the Southern Federal University, 2020. 612 c.

3. Main results of Russian students in the international study of reading, mathematical and scientific literacy PISA 2018 and their interpretation/ Adamovich K. A., Kapuza A. V., Zakharov A. B., Frumin Y. D.; National Research University «Higher school of economics», Institute of education. M.: INU HSE, 2019. 28 c. (Facts of Education 2(25)).


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