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Organization of independent work in mathematics for students of economic universities in the context of digital transformation of education

Postovalova G.A.

49 Leningradsky Ave., Moscow, Russia, tel.+79265645981

Our country has set a course for building a digital economy. The implementation of this task is impossible without the digital transformation of education, without educating a new generation with the necessary skills, skills, and certain personality qualities, and therefore without a transition from mass education for all to high-quality education and comprehensive development of everyone's personality.

The national program "Digital Economy" gives impetus to changes in the field of education. The new Federal State Educational Standard stipulates the need for each student to develop the ability to manage their own learning. The systematic use of DT in teaching will enrich the set of methods and tools of educational work, increase its effectiveness and lead to time savings for both students and teachers; improve various forms of organization of the educational process, provide students with opportunities for development and satisfaction of cognitive interests; strengthen motivation for learning, for the independent choice of an educational trajectory, for the student's personal responsibility for learning outcomes.

Teachers of the Department of Mathematics have long started using the powerful capabilities of computer technology to organize the learning process. A computer database of tasks has been created for all sections and topics studied, classroom and home tests with the generation of options, homework and independent work for each seminar session with instant assessment of results, exam and test cards with the generation of an individual option for each student and evaluation of the result, an online course "Remember everything! School mathematics for freshmen!", computer workshop. The development and application of the computer workshop made it possible to solve more complex mathematical problems using a computer, as well as the possibility of forming generalized methods for solving typical economic problems. This work has improved the students' skills in using mathematical tools, as well as increased their overall level of motivation.

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