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The problem of professional trajectory of education for foreign students at the preparatory step

Pichugina D.A.

Moscow State University

The development of methods for teaching foreign students the Russian language and general education subjects, along with the identification and implementation of methods for cultural adaptation and intensification of the educational process, is a pressing issue in the context of modern international education. An important stage in obtaining higher education by foreign students in the Russian Federation is studying at the preparatory faculty, within the walls of which the initial knowledge of the Russian language and culture is laid, preparation for admission to a specific faculty of Moscow State University is carried out. A sociological survey of foreign students about the choice of their future profession, conducted at the Institute of Russian Language and Culture of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, showed that 51% of respondents have not decided on their educational trajectory and see themselves as just students in the near future.

The report will present some problems and misconceptions regarding the choice of profession and the formation of an educational trajectory by foreign students at the stage of pre-university training. Examples of organizational and educational actions that contribute to the professional orientation of students and their conscious choice of a future profession will be presented.


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