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Numerical simulation of the control parameter dynamics in case of magnetohydrodynamic instability in aluminum electrolysis process

Savenkova N., Sapozhnikov K., Henakhov N., Mokin A.

Lomonosov Moscow State University, faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Department of Computational Methods +7(495)-939-52-55, E-mail:

The paper presents the results of a study on changes in the key control parameters of aluminum electrolysis in an industrial cell, such as the cryolite ratio (CR), current efficiency (η), and current efficiency losses (Δη), when magnetohydrodynamic instability occurs due to the anode effect.

The values of the control parameters indicate efficiency of electrolysis process. These parameters have acceptable ranges, within which the cell operates normally and no changes to process technology are required.

The empirical formula for current output parameter developed by VAMI is not sufficiently accurate. The theoretical formula for current output losses is not practically used, as it requires a good description of the interface between the metal and electrolyte medium. Value of CR is currently measured several times a week using chemical analysis on a single sample, which reflects an approximate nature of the electrolysis process.

The mathematical modeling of the values of CR, n, and Δη, carried out in this study, confirms their correlation. This is important for making accurate technological decisions, as relying on the value of only one control parameter (typically, CR) can lead to errors. At the same time, the values of n and Δη can help confirm or reject conclusions about MHD instability (or stability) of the bath based on chemical analysis. By making more informed decisions, we can avoid serious aluminum losses during production.


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