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The use of the literary form of haiku in teaching a course in botany

Shumovskay D.A.

All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russia, 125190, Moscow, A-190, Usievicha st., 20; Pushchino branch of the Russian Biotechnology University, Russia, Moscow region, 142290, Pushchino, Nauki Ave., 3

The experience of developing a methodological algorithm for the lesson "Comprehensive study of plants" within the framework of field practice as part of the compressed course "Botany" (1 semester) at the Pushchino State Natural Science Institute, subsequently - a branch of ROSBIOTECH. It concentrates the experience of 3 years of work with students on practicing the following skills and abilities: visual memorization, observation and accuracy of description, conveying attitude to the living. The complex of methods used: drawing - memorization; description - memorization and conveying an impression/fact; poetic description (botanical haiku) - memorization, conveying an impression/fact, practicing the skill of choosing the right word; develops the ability to create a complete work. In one of the field practice classes "Comprehensive study of plants" we study a plant chosen by each independently, usually a herbaceous one. First, the student draws a shape with a pencil, then adds colors, striving for their accuracy of transmission, then writes a short poem about the plant - a three-line verse of 10-14 words, sometimes there are several options. The considered lesson algorithm was worked out by the author in collaboration with students, whose questions helped to improve the initial idea to supplement the traditional method of drawing the objects under study with a small poetic composition in order to quickly reach the goal: to find an interesting and relevant form of conveying scientific information, in the process of independent mastering of which a whole range of necessary skills and abilities is developed. The compressed volume of the course required an accurate choice of a set of methods that implements several educational tasks at once: to arouse interest, observe, remember, describe. The experience of conducting the lesson "Comprehensive study of a plant" according to the algorithm of actions developed by the author revealed the feasibility of its further use. A comprehensive study of the object of study allows you to get to know it faster and better, develop the necessary skills and abilities. The approach to conducting the lesson can be used in teaching students to foster respect for wildlife, develop the qualities of a naturalist scientist, as an addition to the botany course.

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