PresentationsWorking Student of Full-Time Education at Russian University: Motivation and Ambition, Losses and Acquisition’sVoronezh State University, Russia, 394018, Voronezh, Universitetskaya pl., 1. Tel.: +7(910)-280-58-07, e-mail: goudovitch@mail.ru 1Central Economics & Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, 117418; Moscow, Nakhimovsky Prospekt 47. Tel.: +7(903)-682-09-47 e-mail: vinokurova@yandex.ru The working student of full-time education in a university problem is currently relevant and is actively analyzed by the authors of a significant number of scientific papers. It should be noted that these studies are mainly aimed at examining the positive results that a student receives for himself and his future when combining work with study. In this paper, we want to look at the problem, which is called secondary employment today, from the other side: from the side of the interests of the future of our country, taking into account that young people are the most important strategic resource for the development of the state. In connection with the above, the question arises about the readiness of students and postgraduates to accept and support the ideology of innovative, advanced development, and to make a breakthrough into the sixth technological order. The presented study uses the results obtained by the authors as a materials analysis result of their own questionnaire surveys of university youth in 6 Russia cities, as well as an expert survey of university teachers conducted in 2024. The work authors proceed from the fact that the basis of a person's motivations and ambitions are his value orientations. The results of the research show that in the process of their development students are guided, in many ways, by market signals given by the economy. Research results show, that in the process of their development students are guided to a large extent by market signals provided by the economy. Serious changes in the value orientations of young people are particularly evident in their attitudes toward higher education: only 5 to 15 percent of university students and postgraduates believe that mastering of university program is necessary to achieve success in the future. The support for achieving success in work after university is considered by university youth to be determination – 66%, self-confidence – 53%, and communication skills – 50%. In general, the analysis results of university youth’s ideas about their desired future show that hedonism, consumerism, and individualism motivate students to focus primarily on quick money rather than on professional achievements. As a result, the market receives poorly educated personnel, which poses a problem for genuine innovative development. Since the issues of import substitution and innovative development are currently particularly relevant for our country, the role of high-quality professional education is increasing. This requires a revision of the concept of "working students".