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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXXI conferenceGeodata and their use in territorial management tasksState University "Dubna" 1 pp. (accepted)Purpose of the work: Application of geographic information systems and technologies as a decision support tool for managing the development of the territory using integrated analysis of spatial data and geodata. Information resources and systems play an important role in managing the development of a territory, as they provide the collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data and knowledge that are necessary for effective decision-making. Information systems and technologies are used to manage territories. One of the systems is geographic information systems (GIS), which provide the ability to work with spatial data or geodata. GIS are used to collect, store, analyze and visualize geographic data. They can help make location-based decisions. Geodata is information that is associated with specific geographic coordinates or location, and includes spatial and attribute data. Geodata may include information such as objects, subjects of territory, borders, agriculture, urban planning and others. Geodata has a wide range of territorial management objectives, and the resulting geodata can be integrated with other types of data to provide a deeper understanding of the situation and the ability to make informed decisions for the management and development of the territory. Geodata can be used to create maps that show where different conditions and areas exist. The basis for organizing geodata is spatiotemporal information. Geodata is not just data, but is a system of data and information resources. Geodata complements and integrates other data and their use as a decision-making tool for managing the development of the territory. Territory parameters determine the specific characteristics and features of a given territory. Tasks: 1. Determination of the main tasks of territorial management. 2. Identify typical tasks for managing the development of a territory using integrated analysis of spatial data and geodata. 3. Examples of using GIS tools to solve problems. The use of geodata makes it possible to increase the efficiency of management decisions, ensure transparency and openness of information, and also support the adaptability and sustainability of territory development. Address-territorial reference of information used for management and development of territories contributes to the effective use of GIS technology for analysis and support of management decisions.
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