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XII conference
Mathematical Models in Chemistry, Biology, Medicine
Anashkina A. A., Tumanyan V. G.
Voronoi–Delaune tesselation for protein-protein complexes modelling
(2005) 13 pp.
Bezdenezhnykh V. A., Markovskaya E. F., Sysoyeva M. I., Sherudilo E. G.
Formalization of plant response to the low temperatures
(2005) 8 pp.
Bobrovsky M. V., Khanina L. G., Komarov A. S., Mikhajlov A. V.
Modelling dynamics of forest ground vegetation
(2005) 9 pp.
Dudorov V. V., Melchakova T. A., Mishanov A. R.
Role of idea about the microequilibrium condition of chemical bond in creation of new models of calculation of constants of speeds of reactions in the gas phase
(2005) 10 pp.
Gonik M. M., Medvinsky A. B.
Complex rotifer population dynamics in a heterogeneous environment: mathematical modeling
(2005) 5 pp.
Kargovsky A. V., Mitrofanov V. V.
IR-spectra of water clusters and dumping of the fluctuations of atomic groups in water environment
(2005) 12 pp.
Kolobov A. V., Polezhaev A. A.
Directed tumour growth and invasion in absence of chemotactic cell motility
(2005) 11 pp.
Kondratiev M. S., Samchenko A. A., Komarov V. M., Kabanov A. V.
Some aspects of structure and conformation lability of natural L-amino acids and model oligopeptides
(2005) 18 pp.
Koroleva S. V., Ashmarin I. P.
Creating expert computer system for analysis of regulatory peptides and biologicaly active compounds influence on physiological functions of organism
(2005) 13 pp.
Kotov D. A., Medvedeva S. E., Rodicheva E. K.
The database of native luminescent bacteria
(2005) 11 pp.
Kovalenko I. B., Abaturova A. M., Gromov P. A., Ustinin D. M., Grachev E. A., Riznichenko G. Yu., Rubin A. B.
Direct simulation of interaction of the proteins plastocyanin and cytochrome f
(2005) 12 pp.
Kovaleva N. A., Manevitch L. I.
Localized nonlinear oscillation of DNA molecule
(2005) 13 pp.
Kubarev S. I., Shigaev A. S., Susak I. P., Kubareva I. S., Ponomarev O. A.
Simulation of sound vibrations effect on radical pair recombination probability
(2005) 12 pp.
Lavrova A. I., Plusnina T.Yu., Ukrainetz A. V., Riznichenko G. Yu., Rubin A. B.
Oscillative and chaotic dynamic of the transmembrane potential and pH along the cell membrane of chara alga
(2005) 11 pp.
Mogilevskaya E. A., Lebedeva G. V., Demin O. V.
Kinetic model of E. coli citrate synthase
(2005) 10 pp.
Pimenova T. P., Lobanov A. I.
Three-dimensional model of the brain tumor growth
(2005) 11 pp.
Pogrebnaya A. F.
Synthesis of ATP by F1-AТPase in stochastic model
(2005) 11 pp.
Ponomarev O. A., Akhmetyanov R. F., Ishmaev E. H, Shikhovseva E. S.
Investigation of sing-wall carbon nanotubes affinities
(2005) 13 pp.
Saburova E. A., Dybovskaya Yu. N., Avseenko N. V., Sivozhelezov V. S.
The application of calculations of the electrostatic field of proteins in the choice of enzymes for microcapsulation
(2005) 11 pp.
Shubina V. S., Naumov A. A., Shatalin Yu. V., Ryzhkov P. A., Potselueva M. M.
Comparison of experimental data on phenol-induced enhancement of the chemiluminescence response with the quantum-chemical calculations
(2005) 9 pp.
Shulga D. A., Oliferenko A. A., Pisarev S. A., Palyulin V. A., Zefirov N. S.
Research on parametrization of the topological schemes for partial atomic charges derivation to reproduce ab initio molecular electrostatic potential
(2005) 12 pp.
Sukhov V. S., Vodeneev V. A.
Mathematical model of action potential in higher plants
(2005) 12 pp.
Tsyganov M. A., Biktashev V. N.
Soliton and halfsoliton interactions of population taxis waves
(2005) 10 pp.
Vasil’eva L. Yu., Romanova E. Yu.
The discussion of bioactive nanocomplexes inhibition model
(2005) 6 pp.
Vinokurov I. J.
Influence of thawed water, vermicompost and anthropogenous loadings on stability of agrarion ecology systems
(2005) 11 pp.
Yakushevich L. V., Savin A. V., Manevitch L. I.
Propagation of nonlinear conformational waves in DNA: overcoming the boundary between two homogeneous regions
(2005) 12 pp.
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