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Conference publications


XV conference

The priority national projects and social justice

Pavlov R.N.

Russia, 117519, Moscow, Kirovogradskaya street, 28-3-232

1 pp.

The relevance of the problem of xocial justice is increasing now in the Russian society, and that is not only a casual phenomenum. It is hard to overestimate the significance of problems of the social field, which is the main field of social and economic development of the country. The modern trends in the demographic field as well as in the field of education, health care and culture are connected with unsufficient attention the government paid to this field the recent years. The priority national projects should be viewed in thi this context, as they could contribute to solving basic spcoal problems.

The attempts of decreasing the level of social inequality in the national projects are seen most in such projects as “Health care” and “Housing”. The tasks of improving the demographic situation, which were told about different times in mass media, are realised nowadays in the form of different mother benefits as well as the bearing certificates, which gives us the gronds for speaking about the social security of this group. Different measures on the building system development as well as the system of hypothecary credit also evidence the state social support of certain categories of citizens.

Speaking about such project as “Education”, one can’t help but mention such fact as attracting business to solving the most significant problems of that field. Its active participance is proposed in the process of financing as well as in the educational activity itself, and in the practice of target orders. In this case social responsibility of business which is a very significant factor of social justice, must include not only the modernization of system of education, but also solving the problem of increasing the level of admittance of the quality education, decreasing of the level of commercialization of educational institutes which often damage the quality of the educational services being supplied.

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