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Conference publications


XVI conference

The price of fate

Klochkov Zhenia, Pakleeva Liza, Chepurko Ksenia, Gurenko Helen

«Gymnasium №5», Russia, 141092, Jybileyney, (495)5152580, E-mail:

1 pp. (accepted)

Writing e-mail essay on the topic “The price of fate” with a kind of survey and the 7 class students’ points of view.

Zhenia Klochkov. I think it's not so easy to win fame. It's impossible to be born and at the same time become famous. If you want to become well-known you should sacrifice your own time, life and try to do your best. Without all these points you will never become popular. For instance, St. Joan of Arc risked her life, Leonardo devoted himself to art, Lomonosov gave himself to science and developing of humanity, Columbus made a great discovery. But they all didn't do it for fame but for nation. So I show you that every fame has its own price.

Pakleeva Liza. I agree that one must pay for fame. At our time singers, actors, musicians, sportsmen have to pay large price. These people are in crowds every day: trainings, plays, performances, playing games etc. Celebrities have got little time for rest. They are always favored for journalists, newsmen There is a price to be paid for fame in their world.

Chepurko Ksenia. There are many famous people in the world today. And of course everybody of them pays big price for their fame. They haven't much free time because they have very hard life. Famous people, especially stars aren't free people. At any time around

them there are many journalists which want just get good photos. Stars must always keep themselves in control. And I think that none of them is happy. That's all that I think about the price of fame.

Gurenko Helen. Popularity and glory come to people after they make something outstanding. Talented writers, musicians, singers, scientists become quickly known to many people. It brings some inconveniences. Well-known people try to be in public less often. To them at once is paid too much attention. Try to start talking, take the autograph or interview. It prevents celebrities from living usual daily life.

In my opinion popularity and glory bring not only moral satisfaction, but also some disappointments and even misfortune.

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