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Conference publications


XVI conference

Use of modern information technology in teaching of foreign languages and culture

Shusharin D.V.

Russian Federation, Stavropolsky region, Pyatigorsk, Ermolov street, h. 253, flat 102

1 pp. (accepted)

To begin with I want to say that everybody teacher has a point of view about this question. Somebody doesn’t like innovations. Somebody has already used new technologies. Generally speaking computer technologies are improvement understanding of new materials, but on my mind, technologies will not replace teachers. Information technologies have both many pluses and minuses. There are a few pluses of computer technologies: interactivity, individuality, visually course, objective mark of pupils and emotional comfort (influence of teacher and other pupils is minimum).Teacher will have a lot of time. He can spend this free time for explaining of new material or consolidate old. There is one minus of information technologies: bad influence on health of teachers and pupils.

There are some criterions of computer education programs: interactivity, original design, original information and adaptive for everybody pupil. User of computer educational program must have a special training for correct work on personal computer. I want to add that virtual course must be original (pictures, videos, music, interesting tests, text and nice quality of materials).

It will be good if teachers cans make computer educational programs. It is not necessary because teachers will have a choice of many computer educational programs. There are the most popular English and Deutsch courses: “REWARD” and “Professor Higgins” (English courses), “Deutsch Gold” and “Berlitz German” (German courses). There are a few historical courses: «English in Action. The Royal Family» (English course), «Tripple plus in German» (German course). A few courses have a view of WEB-pages. I want to say again that computer programs will not replace real teacher. Therefore symbiosis “teacher-program” – formula of positive results in education.

The teachers of physics and geography at our school use computer programs actively. There is no doubt that use of modern information technology in teaching of foreign languages and culture will be developed. In the conclusion I want to say that it’s process will bring an excellent results on my mind.

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