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Conference publications


XXV conference

Schering economy as an integral part of the digital economy: foreign experience of formation and development

Belova L.G.

Moscow State University Lomonosov, +7 (903) 766-97-49,

1 pp. (accepted)

We consider the concept of digital economy as part of the theory of the information society, which is being replenished with new "new economies" as new nuances come to the fore in the world economy and follow a peculiar "fashion" in world economic thought. On the basis of generalization of all these "new economies" we formulated our understanding of these phenomena and their correlation.

The current concept of the digital economy consists, in our opinion, of sixteen elements: the technological basis (Internet of things, autonomous robots, "big data": development of methods for collecting and analyzing Big Data, augmented reality, simulation, additive technologies and 3D printing; horizontal and vertical integration, cloud technologies, space Internet, unmanned devices, nanotechnology, biotechnology, quantum computers), as well as concepts of artificial intelligence, crowdsourcing and the sharing economy ki.

The most controversial element - the scoring economy - is a new model of commodity relations that combines the old idea of ​​taking things out for hire and "smart" technologies that allow you to aggregate online data from around the world and exchange goods / services globally. The concept and practice of the shering economy have adherents and opponents. The most important positive characteristic of the shering economy is its ability to contribute to the solution of such acute social problems as the displacement of living labor and the so-called ageism (age discrimination). Existing in the world economic literature publications show significant employment in the shering economy of people aged 55-64 years who make up more than a quarter of initiators of start-ups.

Of great interest is the main project of the municipal authorities of Seoul, the capital of the Republic of Korea, - "Sharing City Seoul", aimed at creating a new culture in the long term: to actualize in the minds of people the changes taking place in the conditions of the Industry 4.0.

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