Conference publicationsAbstractsXXV conferenceDigital economy and information exchangeKurs Ltd. Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Lihachevsky av., 26 2 pp. (accepted)Feature of the digital economy (DE) is that the main goods in DE are information. It follows that DE exists and functions according to laws of information exchange. Information (according to Kastler and Chernavsky) is the remembered choice of one option from several possible and equal. In a general sense there are four options of change of value of information: - information which value doesn't change over time most often is unconditional information. - information which value (for economy) is shown not at once, and over time. - information which value, on the contrary, decreases over time. - information which value increases over time reaches a maximum, and, then, decreases. Distinguish systems Hamilton and dissipative. In the first fundamental conservation law, in the second – the law of dissipation, that is dispersion works (energy, an impulse, information, etc.). In real life, including in economy, we deal with dissipative systems. First, the value of information can change over time. Secondly, we constantly face such phenomena as the birth (generation) of new information her transformation and disappearance (replacement in competition). There are unstable and steady systems at the macrolevel. At the same time, at the microlevel, elements of system behave unstably. One of signs of systems steady at the macrolevel – not miscibility of microlayers. We observe such system in economy. During rather long time (time of an order of average life expectancy of the company) of firm don't change as the financial position (remaining the subject of small, medium or large business).