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Conference publications


XXV conference

Blockchain technologies in the intellectual property objects management systems

Mikheev M.A., Kibalnicov S.V., Kryukov Y.A.

State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region "University" Dubna ", Russia, 141980, Dubna, Universitetskaya 19,

1 pp. (accepted)

Today blockchain technology is used not only to ensure the operation of cryptocurrencies. On the basis of the blockchain to build applications from security, big data, advertising, recruitment, agriculture, electricity, finance, music and entertainment, etc. Important area of application of the blockchain is an accounting and management of intellectual property (IP). The accounting system of the IP on the basis of the blockchain provides the following benefits: guaranteed fixing of the fact of authorship without modify the record; independence from the state of patent law; accounting of IP application by manufacturer/user; a simplified mechanism for the transfer of autorships/licensing.

We are also working on solutions in the field of patents and know-how, which is important in the framework of the "Digital economy of the Russian Federation" (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from July 28, 2017 No. 1632-p). An example of this solution is establishing centers of digital production, where the licensee shall record the results of application of the invention or know-how in the blockchain with payment-fee to the author. Otherwise, the system of digital production he will be downgraded the rating, which will lead to the loss of trust of participants of the system.

At the same time, the use of blockchain technology in the field of accounting and management of IP has drawbacks: the result of IP application is divorced from the fact of its registration in the system; examination for patentability is not excluded and remains within the limits of the paid services; the need to integrate into the existing system of patenting and registration of rights of IP; storage of the original digital representation of the IP requires further development of the network infrastructure of the blockchain; the risk of combinatorial explosion, especially with the rising complexity of smart contracts.

Thus, public monitoring in the course of the relationship between the authors of IP and manufacturers can play a significant positive role towards the knowledge economy.

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