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Conference publications


XIII conference

“Ad absurdum” as a research methodology (a control education application)

Chernyshov K.R., Jharko E.Ph.

V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences 65 Profsoyuznaya, Moscow 117997, Russia, Phone/fax +7 (095) 334-8990,

2 pp.

The paper proposes an approach to an education methodology treated as “ad absurdum” and oriented, in the present case, to use within control engineers education process. The essence of such an approach is to activate students’ graduate experience and motivate theirs cognition abilities in the given field of science in order of preparing to independent research activity. Such activation and motivation are proposed to be implemented via special assignments on analysis of “real”, that is actually published, scientific results in order to find delusions, errors, etc. therein. One should be noted that it seems to be principally important, from psychological and pedagogical points of view, the found delusions to be of “natural origin”, that is namely actually published results, presented in real literature sources rather than artificially created by an instructor. Of course, a natural question arising here is if is it possible to collect such “gone astray” scientific publications. A natural answer is that this is of course a matter of luck, but once found, the source should be used in this direction in the educational process. Based on [1], the present paper demonstrates ways and methods, both analytical and simulation ones, to be applied to analyze delusions of [2] concerned with various attempts of generalization of conventional techniques and notions relating to such a brand of control theory as system identification which is the necessary preliminary step within solving a control problem when the controlled system model is unknown to some extent. In accordance to the aims described, the paper is organized in the form of a set of assignments motivated by describe problems, and examples of methods to solve the assignments. Both analytical and numerical approaches to disprove the delusions are considered (the latter are oriented to use of commercially available software tools, in particular, Mathcad Professional has been proposed due to its simplicity and momentary obviousness of results.


1. Chernyshov K.R. “An essay on some delusions in system identification”. In: Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. “System Identification and Control Problems” SICPRO ‘03. Moscow, 29-31 January 2003. Moscow: Institute of Control Sciences, 2003. P. 2660-2698. ISBN 5-201-14948-0 (in Russian)

2. Pashchenko F.F. “Determining and modeling regularities via experimental data”. In System Laws and Regularities in Electrodynamics, Nature, and Society. Nauka Publ., Moscow, 2001. Chapter 7. P. 411-521. ISBN 5-02-013088-5 (in Russian)

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