Conference publicationsAbstractsXIII conferenceThe Role of the Disciplines “Computer Science” and “Law Computer Science” in the Development of Legal Computerization of SocietyThe Altai Economics and Law Institute, Russia, 656015, Barnaul, pr. Krasnoarmeyskiy, 108, Tel. (83852) 626686, e-mail: institut@aeli.altai.ru 2 pp.The article raises the problems of legal computerization in the conditions of forming common legal information space in Russia which provides all sections of society and each individual citizen with legal information. It is noted that legal computerization opens new possibilities for improving the organization of legal activity. The data of sociological research done by the author show that new information technologies based on the use of personal computers and telecommunication means are not applied in modern legal practice in time. It is also noted that the solution of these problems can be achieved on the basis of information orientation of higher law education, multilevel and multicomponent system of training specialists according to information culture model. This model reveals the role of the disciplines “Computer Science” and “Law Computer Science” due to which new forms of training are developed and trends to forming open education, using new technical devices and improving methods of teaching are secured. |