Conference publicationsAbstractsXIII conferenceInformftion of the maximum{supreme} juridical educationNon-State Educational of Higher Professional Education "Altai Economics and Law Institute", Russia, 656015, Barnaul, pr. Krasnoarmeyskiy, 108, Ph. (3852) 626686, e-mail: rector@aeli.altai.ru 1 pp.INFORMATION OF THE MAXIMUM{SUPREME} JURIDICAL EDUCATION
Stepanov V.I.
Non-State Educational of Higher Professional Education "Altai Economics and Law Institute", Russia, 656015, Barnaul, pr. Krasnoarmeyskiy, 108, Ph. (3852) 626686, e-mail: rector@aeli.altai.ru
In given clause{article} the author considers{examines} problems of information of the maximum{supreme} juridical education by the example of structure of vocational training of students of the faculty of law, described by transition to multilevel and multicomponent system of preparation of students on the basis of model of information culture. The role of disciplines "Computer science" and «Legal computer science» in this model due to which is considered{examined} take root and develop new forms of training, tendencies to formation of the open formation{education}, outstripping training, use of new means and technologies, perfection of educational techniques are provided. It is marked, that the general{common} principles and the purposes of a computerization of the juridical education should be concretized in view of character of prepared experts and those problems{tasks} which they are called to solve in the future practical activities. The given aspect of a computerization of formation{education} should be reflected in working programs of a rate "Computer science" and other training courses (social - humanitarian, general educational and special legal). |