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Conference publications


XXIII conference

To deliver at any cost (according to documents RGVA)

Silayev A.D.

125212, Moscow, Admiral Makarov St., 29

1 pp. (accepted)

In August, 1917 the former Russian emperor Nicholas II and his family according to the decision of Provisional government were sent to Tobolsk.

After arrival of Bolsheviks to the power, at the beginning of 1918, in the Soviet government the offer to carry out open trial over the former emperor Nicholas II was discussed.

On April 1 the RSFSR All-Russian Central Executive Committee (ARCEC) made the decision to transfer an imperial family to Moscow.

On April 2, 1918 there was an address of the chairman of VTsIK Ya.M. Sverdlov to the Commissioner on military affairs L.D. Trotsky on the basis of the resolution of presidium of the CEC of April 1, 1918 with the offer immediately to create group in 200 people (from them 30 people from guerrilla group Central Election Commission, 20 people from group of the left social revolutionary) and to send them to Tobolsk for a reinforcement of guard and in case of technical capability immediately to transfer all arrested to Moscow as owing to various circumstances protection of the former tsar Nikolay Romanov was reduced to a minimum and inspires serious dangers.

In the same address there was a request to report about when the group can go to destination headed by the chief or the commissioner of group who will be appointed by the CEC with necessary instructions and powers.

In April, 1918 the group on evacuation from Tobolsk of Romanov led by osoboupolnomochenny VTsIK by Vasily Yakovlev was created (Myachin) whom Sverdlov well knew on joint revolutionary work in the years of the first Russian revolution.

The commissioner Vasily Yakovlev (Myachin) sent from Moscow to Tobolsk headed confidential mission for export of an imperial family to Yekaterinburg for the purpose of the subsequent transportation it to Moscow.

There are data that during moving of the former emperor Nicholas II from Tobolsk to Yekaterinburg its murder tried to perform management of the Ural area. Moscow in the person of Sverdlov demanded from the Ural administration of guarantees of safety of an imperial family and only after they were given, Sverdlov confirmed the order which is earlier given Yakovleva to carry Romanov to the Urals

Having arrived to Yekaterinburg, Yakovlev transferred the captives to the chairman of regional council A.G. Beloborodov and the military commissioner F.I. Goloshchyokin, having received from them the receipt.

Having handed over "freight", Yakovlev comes back to Moscow and reports on a trip to V. I. Lenin (Ulyanov) and Ya.M. Sverdlov.

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