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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXXI conferenceElectronic educational and methodological complex as a means of teaching discrete mathematics to programmer students in an accelerated form of educationUrGEU, Rossiya, 620141, g. Yekaterinburg, ul. 8 Marta, 62/45 1 pp. (accepted)One of the main tasks of teaching discrete mathematics to future programmers is to develop in students the ability to analyze the effectiveness of created algorithms and optimize program codes, bringing them to practical implementation with the best results. However, less time is allocated for mastering fairly complex mathematical concepts and mastering mathematical methods for solving discrete mathematics problems than for students in the traditional form of education. The educational assignment system, which ensures continuity and completeness of the learning process and contains theoretical, practical, and testing materials (electronic educational and methodological complex (EUMK)), developed by the authors of the report, helps to solve the problem of lack of time for deep mastery of the discipline. The structure of the EUMK, which was created on the Sakai e-learning platform, includes methodological, informational, training and control blocks. The methodological block contains instructions for using this complex. The information block includes theoretical material of the discipline, which includes textbooks, teaching aids, methodological recommendations and video lessons on course topics. The training block contains a workshop for organizing independent work of future programmers. In addition to considering traditional topics (permutations, subsets, covering and partitioning, etc.), algorithms for obtaining them in the Python programming language are described. The control block includes tests for self-testing of acquired knowledge and skills, which provides the possibility of correcting students' knowledge. The peculiarity of the control block is that after completing the tests, the student can see not only the correct answer to the task, but also its solution in the Python programming language. At the moment, tests have been developed for two levels of students (beginners and students with a higher level of mathematical preparation) in the sections: “Elements of mathematical logic”, “Elements of set theory”, “Combinatorics”, “Introduction to graph theory”. The purpose of the work is to create and test an electronic educational and methodological complex in the process of teaching discrete mathematics to programmer students in an accelerated form of education. The electronic educational and methodological complex allows you to implement an individual course learning path based on theoretical material, interactive workshops and tests, which provide the possibility of integrating subject knowledge with the future professional activities of students.
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