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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXX conferenceState support of employment of the populationFederal State Budgetary Institution of Science Central Economic and Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1 pp. (accepted)The problem of employment of the population is one of the main socio –economic problems of the economy of modern Russia, which is constantly in the spotlight of the government. Adopted in 2014. The Employment Law defines the legal, economic and organizational foundations of the state policy of promoting employment, including state guarantees for the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to work and social protection from unemployment. The priority of the state policy in the field of employment promotion in the long term is the creation of legal, economic and institutional conditions conducive to the development of a flexible, effectively functioning labor market, improving the quality of the workforce and motivation to work. The objectives of the adopted state program of the Russian Federation "Promotion of employment" are: not exceeding by 2030 the value of the registered unemployment rate of more than 1 percent; creating conditions for the formation of a culture of safe work and improving the effectiveness of measures aimed at preserving the life and health of employees in the course of their work. Within the framework of the updated state program "Promotion of employment of the population" of the national project "Demography", the following activities are being implemented: vocational training and additional vocational education for citizens looking for work and applying to the employment service bodies, including unemployed citizens, as well as citizens aged 50 years and older, citizens of pre-retirement age, women on nursing leave for a child under the age of 3 years, women who are not in labor relations and have preschool children; an event to improve the efficiency of the employment service of the population; an event to assist employers in attracting labor resources as part of the implementation of regional programs to increase the mobility of labor resources. Thanks to the national project, the modernization of employment centers in the subjects of the Russian Federation is being carried out. The main online resource for job search and recruitment of employees is the unified digital platform in the field of employment and labor relations "Work of Russia". The Skills and Professions Development Agency has launched two projects in 21 regions of the country to assist young people in finding employment and developing their entrepreneurial skills through personal support. In 2022, more than 9.9 billion rubles will be allocated for this, including the provision of subsidies to employers for the employment of young people who often find it difficult to find work, for example, disabled people, as well as the launch of the Country of Masters project. As a result, the unemployment rate among young people should decrease significantly: by 2024, the share of employed graduates should reach 85%, and by 2030 — 92%.