
Conference publications


XXIX conference

Ethical codes "Hyman - Artificial Intelligence" as Local responses to a Global challenge, and - "Innovation Snail" / "Economic Theory of Relativity"

Badulin N.A.

PhD, Assistant Professor, ORCID: 0000-0003-2161-7141, MBA at MIPT - MSU "Business and State: Management of Technological Development" WhatsApp +7-916-554-4032

2 pp. (accepted)

The article was written as a draft resolution of the Congress "Strategic Leadership in the Digital Age and Artificial Intelligence Technologies", the IMTF ARMY 2021, 22-28.08.2021. The author of the article participated in the meetings of section No. 1 "Socio-humanitarian foundations of public policy formation with the use of artificial intelligence technologies" of the conference "Humanitarian and socio-cultural aspects of the development and application of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies", 08/22/2021,

And I decided to propose my own draft Resolution, especially since the author knows at least 4 basic models of ethics of Artificial Intelligence [3-7]. For comparison, the approach of the "Economic Theory of Relativity" / "Snails of Innovation" (abbreviated as /UI [1,2]), based on 12 topologically invariant types of people's communications, was chosen.

This makes it possible to simulate the life cycle in both live and digital systems, including with the use of AI.

As a result of the work performed:

* trends in the development of digital systems with AI as a digital future are revealed: at the level of military technologies, in the political sphere, at the economic level and communication technologies, at the medical-biological, household and creative-legal levels.

* describes 12 models of human rights and freedoms created during the evolution of human civilization, which have an orthogonal nature, the methods of development of which are based on 12 invariant topologies of people's communications as 12 stages of IT/UI, reflected in 12 different categories of law;

* a draft Declaration of the Rights and Obligations of Artificial Intelligence and its Creators, Users and Managers is proposed.

* models of development and crises for different projects of the AI Code of Ethics are constructed [3-7].


1. Economic theory of relativity or “Innovation Snail” / Badulin N.A. // Triple Helix International Conference 2015, Beijing, 21-24th August 2015, THA Thematic Research Group Entrepreneurial Universities. Checked on the electronic resource: 12/12/2021, URL:

2. Business Angel and "Innovation Snail" / Badulin N.A. // Website of the community of managers, publication date 04/26/2012.


3. Code of Ethics in the field of Artificial Intelligence / 1st International Forum "Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: the Beginning of Trust", Alliance in the Field of Artificial Intelligence, adopted on 10/26/2021. - Moscow, Russia. -Кодекс_этики_в_сфере_ИИ_финальный.pdf

4. The BEAC was one of the first in the Russian Federation to approve the principles of ethics of Artificial Intelligence / 03/01/2021. - BEAC, Moscow, Russia. -

5. Guidance for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Applications. Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies / Russell T. Vought, Acting Director // 01/07/2019.

6. Notification on the planning of the development of Artificial Intelligence of a new generation / State Council of the People's Republic of China // National Issue No. 35, July 8, 2017.

7. The Partnership of the Future. Microsoft’s CEO explores how humans and A.I. can work together to solve society’s greatest challenges / Satya Nadella // June 28, 2016. -


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