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Conference publications


XXVIII conference

The Artist and Science

Ryumina I.

Art critic, artist, art therapist, Moscow,

2 pp. (accepted)

The report introduces the participants of the Conference to a special type of scientific research that stands on the borderwith the visual arts and has already received its name: Science Art. The emotional-imaginative visualization incorporated in it activates archetypal memory, making it possible to discover deep meanings in the knowledge of the surrounding world. Created for visual perception, they are shown on art platforms – in art museums and galleries, but they are designed for a special viewer, for a viewer who is a scientist who can understand and evaluate the scientific significance of the presented works. Therefore, it is important to emphasize that for the first TIME this scientific art was included equally as an integral part of the MATHEMATICS. COMPUTING. EDUCATION scientific conference and was presented in the Museum of scientific orientation of the city of science Pushchino in the form of Museum expositions.

ALEXANDER PANKIN, a recognized leader of this art form, an artist, mathematician, and architect, took an active part in these exhibition Projects. His works are in the State Tretyakov gallery, the State Russian Museum, the State center for contemporary art, and a number of regional museums, as well as in private collections in Russia, Austria, the United States, the Netherlands, France, Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Germany, and Poland. On October 12, 2020, Alexander Fedorovich Pankin died at the age of 83. THIS REPORT IS DEDICATED TO THE BRIGHT MEMORY OF THE OUTSTANDING ARTIST-SCIENTIST.

Alexander Pankin, being a hereditary architect, holding the position of Chief architect of the city of Yegoryevsk, knew for certain that the Foundation of the architect's creative plan was based on numericalе calculationsссчетыexpressed in mathematical formulas. Over time, he also turned to NUMBER in his painting, which became the main tool, a kind of" magic crystal " that helped him discover numerical patterns in everythingthat his inquisitive gaze touched. So, in your work "Geometry of the John Kayja number", he turned to the minimalist work of composer John Kayja, which consists of 4 minutes and 33 seconds of SILENCE. Like Salieri, who said (in the work of A. Pushkin) "I broke up the music", Alexander Pankin identified the basic principle of the musical work and, having made calculations, immediately, on the plane of the picture, so that the viewer would not doubt the correctness of the reasoning, came to a global generalization:"Hence, John cage's silence ... embodies an absolute zero-the boundary between pointlessness or eternal peace." Alexander Pankin appears here as a scientist who has made a scientific discovery of a certain pattern, as an artist who visualizes this pattern – this "absolute zero", and as a philosopher who discovers the law of being.

The rigid boundaries of the abstract format do not allow us to give an appropriate description of the works of other worthy authors, suffice it to say that four participants – Alexander Pankin, DmitryWeise, Irina Anishchenko and Itta Ryumina have been members Of the international scientific Seminar SYMMETRY (Moscow branch) for many years.

Exhibition Projects that participated in the international conferences MKCE, ARTIST and SCIENCE, 2017 and "TELL ME, branch of PALESTINE", 2019 are distinguished by a single quality: DISCOVERY OF NEW FACETS OF SCIENCE.

The author and curator of the Projects is Itta Ryumina. Art critic, artist, art&psychotherapist.


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