
Conference publications


XXVII conference

Experience in developing an electronic course "Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry" for students at Dubna State University

Mindrina A.A., Potemkina S.V.

Dubna State University, Universitetskaya str., 19; Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russia

1 pp. (accepted)

Often, the organization of distance learning involves asynchronous interaction between the teacher and students. With this format, the student independently studies the teaching material. From the Federal Law No. 273-ФЗ “On Education in the Russian Federation” it follows that when implementing educational programs using exclusively e-learning, distance learning technologies in an organization engaged in educational activities, all conditions must be created that ensure that students learn the educational programs in full volume regardless of the location of students.

If in full-time education, the teacher completely manages the educational process, then in distance learning, the teacher most often acts as a consultant for the student. The main tasks of the teacher becomes the selection of didactic materials for the successful development of the curriculum and the development of controls. But since this is not enough to create the conditions for mastering the educational program, it becomes necessary to create a full-fledged electronic course.

An electronic course is an educational material structured by the author, which is intended to support the educational process in educational institutions, as well as for self-education in the framework of educational programs.

The report will focus on the process of creating an electronic course “Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry” on the MOODLE platform in accordance with current trends in the development of e-learning. The relevance of this topic is expressed by the priority project “Modern Digital Educational Environment in the Russian Federation”.

The course was developed using the results of the ADDIE model. The entire course was divided into several modules, each of which represents one completed topic. Before preparing the course, an audience analysis was conducted. Based on the analysis, a platform was chosen on which it was possible to realize the learning objectives. The development process went in collaboration with the teacher. At the end of several modules, participants evaluated the course.

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