Conference publicationsAbstractsXXVII conferenceOntogene thinking - linguo conceptual innovation in sciense and educationTomsk Polytechnic University, Department of Education Informatization, Russia, 634050, Tomsk, 30 Lenin Ave., Tel. 8 961 888 24 75. E-mail art-39-1@yandex.ru 1 pp. (accepted)Events at the turn of the millennium bring fundamental changes. Changes are observed not only in industrial and technical sectors, but also in the humanitarian sector of culture. The Earth is preparing for transformations with a focus on raising public consciousness to the cosmic level. Traditionally, the function of forming public consciousness is attributed to the education system. The system is in search of ways and means of conversion. It is well known that the development of new means of communication and training based on network and digital projects. But the intensification and consolidation of communications is only an external, but not sufficient form of modification.There are internal factors responsible for the paradigm of education. The traditional pedagogical paradigm is a conceptual obstacle to progressive transformation. The results of multidisciplinary studies of the cognitive process at the end of the 20th century make it possible to form the conceptual basis of a new education paradigm. contributing to the expansion of public consciousness to the cosmic level. Ontogenetic thinking arises within the framework of a new paradigm. The first sign of it is the actualization of a fragment of the material world that gives rise to its localization in a holistic picture of the world. The second sign is the manifestation of the structure of activity in terms of an object, subject with the disclosure of their genetic relationship. The simultaneous ontological and epistemological manifestations of the subject's activity introduce him into the conditions of cosmic objectification.The basics of ontogenetic thinking are the product of multidisciplinary studies of cognitive activity in the educational process of higher education [1]. Literature 1. Agranovich B.L. Cybernetics and lecture: a unique experiment in engineering education / B.L. Agranovich, Yu.V. Karjakin, A.V. Rudachenko, Alma Mater (Bulletin of Higher School) No. 8, 2005, p.16.