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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXVII conferenceUndergraduate practice as the final stage in the formation of social and professional competenceMoscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology — MVA named after K.I. Scriabin, st. Scriabin 23, Moscow, 109 472 Phone: (495) 377-72-66. Email: kompsotita@gmail.com 1 pp. (accepted)The modernization of Russian education obliges us to orient the educational process towards the implementation of a competency-based approach. This is feasible when each academic discipline is a means of forming certain competencies of students, and the final production (pre-diploma) practice will allow to realize all the competencies required for the formation of a graduate and as a comprehensively developed personality, as defined in the work programs of the disciplines that have been completed at the university, and how highly professional specialist. The objectives of undergraduate practice are: consolidation and deepening of theoretical and practical training; mastering the methods and techniques of research work; the acquisition of professional experience in accordance with the topic of the study; collection and processing of theoretical and practical material for writing WRC. According to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of preparation 06.03.01 Biology, the process of undergraduate practice at the Veterinary and Biological Faculty is aimed at the formation and development of the following general cultural - OK-1–9 - and (general) professional - OPK-1-14; PK-1, 2, 6 - competencies: abstract thinking; the ability to analyze and synthesize, plan a biological experiment, to act in non-standard situations; social and ethical responsibility for decisions made; to self-development, independence, self-realization; to work and team leadership in the field of professional activity; conducting discussion, sociability and tolerance. We must teach the graduate to use the fundamental biological laws in the field of professional activity for the formulation and solution of new problems, as well as independently analyze the available information, carry out field and laboratory biological research in solving specific problems, creatively using modern equipment and computing facilities, be responsible for the quality of work and the scientific credibility of the results. Methods of conducting the practice: stationary, field, field. The practice venues are specialized enterprises and organizations related to the orientation of the educational program (Agrovet LLC; MicroMir Scientific and Production Center; Bryansk Forest Biosphere Reserve; Pushchinsky Biological Research Center; interdisciplinary laboratory of the Department of Radiobiology and Virology, etc.). The practice is carried out in conditions adequate to independent professional activity, and is characterized by the same variety of functions and relationships as the work of a specialist.