
Conference publications


XXVII conference

To the 100th anniversary of Laptev Leonid Mikhaylovich (according to documents RGVA)

Silayev A.D.

Public organization Russian Descent Center

1 pp. (accepted)

In 2020, two important dates in the history of our country and my family in particular. It marks the 75 anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War, and my grandfather, participant of the Great Patriotic War - Leonid Laptev would be the 100 anniversary of birth.

Looking for documents on the archive funds of the WGVA, one interesting document about these events was found. Let 's focus more on this document

"Laptev Leonid Mikhail, born 1920, Kirov [...]

The military rank is a cadet of the regimental school;

From what year in the Red Army and what military committee called - since 1940, Stalin RVK of Kirov;

When and where was captured - July 4, 1941 near Minsk;

The name of the military unit, the type of troops and the last position occupied - the cadet of the regimental school 61 of the separate battalion of communication of the 8 rifle division;

He was held captive (from what year, in what country, in what camp and what he did) - from July 4, 1941 to February 12, 1945 in the camp of prisoners of war Minsk, Molodechno, Belostok; From May 5, 1942 he was taken to East Prussia and worked in working teams in various works until liberation [...] " [1].

After passing of check and the termination of the Great Patriotic War, Leonid Mikhaylovich returned to Kirov of the Kirov region, Married my grandmother, Calendina Zinaida Ivanovna and after the birth of my mother, Lapteva Vera Leonidovna, moved to live the whole family in Tuapse, Where and lived for the rest of his life until his death in 2013. My grandfather worked after moving to Tuapse on the civil profession received by him before the Great Patriotic War, master on repair of radio and telephone equipment.


1. RGVA. UMGB Files for Moscow Region

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