
Conference publications


XXVII conference

Modeling the electrical conductivity of two-dimensional composites

Eserkepov A.V., Tarasevich Yu.Yu.

Astrakhan State University, laboratory "Mathematical modelling and IT in science and education", Russia, 414056, Astrakhan, Tatisheva 20A, phone: 8512246632, Email:

1 pp. (accepted)

Thin transparent films containing conductive particles are used in the production of flexible transparent conductors, which are required for the operation of such devices as solar panels, touch screens, heaters, antistatic coatings [1]. Transparent electrodes must simultaneously have high transparency and low resistance. However, an increase in the concentration of conductive particles increases conductivity, but decreases transparency. Finding the optimal concentration corresponding to the maximum quality indicator is an urgent task both from a theoretical and practical point of view.

The simulation of transparent conductors with fillers of various shapes (rods of zero thickness, rings and spherical cylinders consisting of a rod of zero thickness and a sheath) was performed. Within the framework of the continuum model, the percolation threshold in the system was determined using the Newman-Ziff algorithm [2], the conductivity was calculated using the transition to random resistance networks [3]. To solve the problems, software was developed in the C ++ programming language.

Computer modeling revealed the influence of the degree of ordering of fillers and their aspect ratio on the percolation threshold and on electrical conductivity.


1. Manning Hugh G., da Rocha Claudia Gomes, Callaghan Colin O’, Ferreira Mauro S., Boland John J. The Electro-Optical Performance of Silver Nanowire Networks. // Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, 2019. P. 11550.

2. Newman M.E.J., Ziff R.M. Fast Monte Carlo algorithm for site or bond percolation // Phys. Rev. E., Vol. 64, 2001. P. 016706.

3. Tarasevich Yu.Yu., Eserkepov A.V., Vodolazskaya I.V., Selin P.G., Chirkova V.V., Lebovka N.I. Effect of dispersity of particle length on electrical conductivity of two-dimensional systems // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1163, No. 1, 2019. P. 012006.

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