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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXVI conferenceEarth Science Museum of the University : assessment of formal knowledge in an informal wayLomonosov Moscow State University, Earth Science Museum, Russia, 119991, Moscow, Leninskiye Gory, 1, tel.: +7(495)9391415; E-mail: pikulenkomarina@mail.ru 2 pp. (accepted)The resources of the modern educational environment now include not only the spread of e-learning without borders (Coursera, Stepik, MOOC), but also the space of dynamically developing Museum complexes. Analysis of the activities of visitors involved in educational projects of museums is relevant for the planning of exhibitions, expositions and future projects aimed at the formation of General cultural and professional competencies of participants, including teachers and students. Developed and implemented in the Natural Science Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University (2013-2018) educational activities provide for the integration of the traditional museum forms of activity, with the involvement of a guide or lecturer, and independent activities of visitors - practical or search, and include interactive tasks using approaches aimed at overcoming contemplative passivity. In the projects "University Saturday", Moscow School Olympiad " Museums. Parkes. Estates", "Academic class" the difficulty for the participants is the need for effective interactive interaction with the natural science exposition, natural exhibits. In the framework of the project " Museums. Parkes. Estates" was established different level of knowledge of teams of students (5-point system of the correct answer), with an independent search for answers to 10 questions on the route sheet at the exhibition "physical and geographical areas". Students who answered 10 out of 10 questions were 36%; 43% answered 7-10 questions and 21% answered less than 4 questions. The data showed that high school students (grades 9-10) had a lower level of knowledge of physical geography than students of grades 7-8. The evaluation of the number of participants shows that in 2015 the number of individual visitors was significantly lower (3 teams out of 15) compared to the teams organized by teachers. From the survey of participants (147 teachers, 372 students) it follows that about half of the teachers pre-prepare students to visit the Museum, and only 5% of teachers are ready to develop independent thematic classes at the exhibition. All visitors highly appreciate the educational activities in the Natural Scence Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University, consider the proposed interactive tasks understandable, interesting.