
Conference publications


XXVI conference

Use of SRTM surface radar images for analyzing changes in aeolian relief forms

Malinovskaya E.A.

Institute of Atmospheric Physics A.M.Obukhova RAS, 119017, Moscow, Pyzhevsky Pereulok, 3, p. 1

1 pp. (accepted)

Interaction processes at the boundary of the atmosphere and soil lead to wind erosion, atmospheric pollution by particles of anthropogenic origin, affect desertification and erodibility of soils [1] and should be taken into account when developing paleogeographic scenarios [2]. The relief on a small scale affects the modes of wind removal [3], the circulation in the boundary layer over the desert areas [4]. To estimate the change in air velocity when moving upward on the windward slope of eolian relief forms, the base of the SRTM surface radar images [5] was taken (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission - radar topographic survey of most of the globe). Five territories were selected for which accretion is insignificant. A formula for estimating the speed of moving the leeward line, a method for determining the dynamic velocity when moving up the slope is proposed. It is shown that with an increase in the size of structures, the ratio of the number of falling particles to the number of those torn off closer to the top decreases. It is shown that the dynamic speed changes by 10% at a level 10 m below the top of the aeolian structure relative to the value at the top. This work was financially supported by the Basic Research Program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 28 "Cosmos: studies of fundamental processes and their interrelations", the direction "Solar and other planetary systems".

1. Lytvyn L.F. Geography of soil erosion in agricultural lands of Russia. - M .: Academkniga, 2002

2. Galai B.F., Serbin V.V., Plakhtyukova V.S., Galai O.B. Loess soils of the North Caucasus and Crimea (comparative analysis) // Earth Sciences. The science. Innovation. Technologies, 2017, №2, p.98-108.

3. Gorchakov G.I., Karpov A.V., Kuznetsov G.A., Buntov D.V. Quasi-periodic saltation in a wind-sandy stream in a desert area // Optics of the Atmosphere and Ocean, 2016. 29, No. 6. P.472-477.

4. Chkhetiani O. G., Kalashnik M. V., Ingel L. Kh. Generation of the “thermal wind” over a non-uniformly heated undulating surface // Izvestia RAN. Physics of the Atmosphere and Ocean, 2013. Vol. 49, No. 2. P. 137–143.

5. Kataev M.Yu., Chugunov AG Reading, visualization and analysis of the three-dimensional model of the Earth's surface according to SRTM data // Reports of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics. 2006. V. 6. S. 38-41.

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