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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXV conferenceA systems approach to the development of marketing strategy of scientific organizationsCEMI RAS, Nakhimovsky pr., 47, Moscow, 117418, RF, +7(499)724 11 87, kachalov1ya@yandex.ru 1Dubna State University, Universitetskaya, 19, Dubna,141980, RF, +7(496)216-64-64, julia_sleptsova@mail.ru The development of the marketing direction in the activities of Russian scientific organizations of humanitarian profile was caused by the reduction of state science funding. In this study, performed with support of the RFBR (project 17-02-00095), we analyzed the evolution and structure of approaches to financial support for scientific organizations using the systems economic theory of Kleiner G.B. Until recently, the main funding source for activities of scientific organizations was the state budget, which allocated funds for research: purchase of equipment, maintenance of buildings and structures, payroll, etc. This approach to financial support will be further called objective approach. In general, it has survived to this day. But due to the reduction of the amount of funding for science, budgetary funds have become insufficient to carry out research activities, especially in the field of basic research. The second approach to financial support for scientific organizations will be called process approach. It emerged during the Soviet era, when scientists began to be involved in educational activities. Thus, two problems were solved at once. On one hand, the students communicated with representatives of scientific community, performing cutting-edge research. Thus, science attracted talented youth. On the other hand, the problem of providing scientists with additional source of funding was solved. The third approach (called project approach) to financial support of scientific research was formed not so long ago. It’s related to the competition of scientific projects for grants. Important role for winning in such competition plays the fame and positive image of scientific organization in infocommunication space and in research community. The fourth approach to financial support of scientific organizations, called the environmental approach, emerged as an business-related activity based on contracts with enterprises interested in implementing of new results of fundamental and applied research. Systems structuring of these methods of research funding will allow to develop our well-founded recommendations on how to find additional financial sources for scientific activities. For each approach it’s necessary to choose specialized, most appropriate marketing tools. This will give a significant advantage in resource provision.