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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXV conferenceEconomic-mathematical model of the reproductive potential of the region on the example of the Kirov regionVyatka State University, Computer and Physical and Mathematical Sciences Faculty, Department. Mathematical modeling, Russia, 610000, Kirov, Moscovskaya street, 36, Tel: (8332) 742-625, fax: (8332) 350-211, E-mail: zyablyh.marina@mail.ru 1 pp. (accepted)The study of factors affecting fertility and mortality is especially important for Russia, where the demographic situation is currently one of the most depressing in the world. The reproductive potential is defined by the population as a self-replicating biological aggregate with the presence of socio-economic content[1]. Among the factors that have the greatest impact on the demographic situation in the country, in particular, on high mortality, low level of medicine, unfavorable ecological situation, high level of consumption of alcohol and drugs, social stress [2]. The theoretical and practical significance of the study is determined by the severity of the demographic situation in Russia, which is largely determined by the extremely low birth rate, the transition to a small child (in most cases - one-child) type of reproductive behavior, the lack of new methodological approaches in studies of reproductive behavior. The object of the study is the reproductive behavior of the population of the Kirov region. The subject of the research are socio-economic relations that determine the specific features of the population's reproductive behavior. In the process of research, econometric and dynamic models were used.