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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXV conferenceMolecular-dynamic simulation of water vapor interaction with suffering pore of the cylindrical typeJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Federation, 141980, Dubna, Moscow region, Jolio-Curie, 6, +74962164722, e.nikonov@jinr.ru 1University of Prešov, str. Konštantinova 16, 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia, +421904031531, miron.pavlus@unipo.sk , maria.popovicova@unipo.sk Theoretical and experimental investigations of water vapour interaction with porous materials are carried out both at the macro level [1] and at the micro level [2]. At the macro level, the influence of the arrangement structure of individual pores on the processes of water vapour interaction with a porous material as a continuous medium is studied. At the micro level, the dependence of the characteristics of the water vapour interaction with porous media on the geometry of the individual pore is studied.
In this paper, a study was carried out by means of mathematical modelling of the processes of water vapour interaction with suffering pore of the cylindrical type. The calculations were performed using a model of a hybrid type combining a molecular-dynamic and a macro-diffusion approach for describing water vapour interaction with an individual pore [3,4]. The processes of evolution to different equilibrium states of macroscopic characteristics of a system such as temperature, density, and pressure, depending on external conditions with respect to pore, were studied. The dependence of these processes on the pore geometry was studied.
1. Krus M., Moisture transport and storage coefficients of porous mineral building materials: Theoretical principals and new test method. − Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, 1996. – 175 p. 2. Alim K., Parsa Sh., Weitz D. A., Brenner M. P., Local pore size correlations determine flow distributions in porous media. − Phys. Rev. Lett., 119, 144501 (2017). 3. Nikonov E.G., Pavluš M., Popovičová M., 2D microscopic and macroscopic simulation of water and porous material interaction, − arXiv:1709.05878 [physics.flu-dyn] 4. Nikonov E.G., Pavluš M., Popovičová M., Molecular dynamic simulation of water vapor interaction with blind pore of dead-end and saccate type. − arXiv:1708.06216 [physics.flu-dyn]