
Conference publications


XXV conference

Software module for simulation of process-dependent parameters of the hydropower unit

Nikulina A.V., Treshnikov P.V.1, Zelenko L.S.

Samara national Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev

1SMS-Automation Business Group

1 pp. (accepted)

The article describes the simulation model of process-dependent parameters of the hydrounit for training of operation staff. The Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) Software Simulator is currently being developed in SMS-Automation Business Group. This simulator is intended for emulation of technological process of a HPP, auxiliary systems and equipment in accordance with actual physical limitations. The problem statement: to develop the model of the hydrounit which generates values of its process-dependent parameters in intervals corresponding to the real ones. Software implementation of the hydrounit model will be integrated in the HPP Software Simulator.

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