
Conference publications


XXIV conference

Integrated multidisciplinary project "Educational payment system"

Isaychik K., Demina M., Kokovin A.

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin», 620002, 19 Mira street, Ekaterinburg, Russia. Tel: +7 (343) 375-44-44, fax: 375-97-78, Е-mail:

1 pp. (accepted)

In a modern market economy to the student after graduation it is very difficult to organically integrate into the process of professional activity. The solution to this problem is the dual training, which is aimed at close interaction of employers and educational institutions for vocational and social adaptation of future specialists.

On the basis of the Department of the Ural Federal University BIMM them. First President of Russia BN Yeltsin interdisciplinary project "Educational payment system" (EPS) has been implemented. This project is an organic part of the dual training. It helps students adapt to the real business processes, familiarization with the methods of promotion of its product, professional self-determination of students.

The project is part of the experimental economic system, which is a closed market with their own means of payment, issuing center and payment system. Participants in this market are the students and teachers who are able to share with each other any product and provide any services that are not prohibited by law.

Learning currency (EPS) is a negative interest rate, the amount of which is fixed emission center. Transactions in EPS between the parties are made using EPS, which is a combination of structured bulletin boards and personal accounts system.

In the initial stages of the students registered in the UPS, united in the organization of 3-4, were the business plan the activities of his organization, representing a sample of a product or service, production decisions. Each stage ends with an open competition with mutual estimation of participants, the results of which are redistributed bonus pool. Prize fund is formed due to demurrage. The final step was the sale of goods and services, comparison of the plan and the actual result, sales volume, customer feedback, roles and income at the firm. After completing these steps, the students covered the expense of the company with the distribution of profits and losses among its members.

In total 55 students participated in the EPS. As a result of the activities of their coursework and homework for courses "Systems Theory" and "life-cycle management of IP" have been prepared.

This work was supported by RFBR grant № 15-06-04863 «Mathematical models of local payment systems life cycle."

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