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Conference publications


XXIV conference

Natural-Constructive Approach to modeling the cognitive process

Chernavskaya O.D.

Lebedev Physical Institute;

1 pp. (accepted)

Naturally-Constructive Approach (NCA) refers to the direction of Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA). It was designed as a tool for mathematical modeling the human cognitive process, taking into account its unique features - namely, personality, unpredictability, logical and intuitive thinking, emotion impact to the cognitive process. This approach is based on

- Dynamic Theory of Information (DTI), developed in the late twentieth century by D.S.Chernavskim and H. Haken;

- Neurophysiology (in particular, the neuron model popular in biophysics - Hodgkin-Huxley FitzHugh-Nagumo, etc.);

- Neurocomputing, i.e. traditional mathematical models of Hopfield- and Grossberg-type processors presented, however, in the form of a system of nonlinear differential equations for dynamic formal neurons (the original model representing a limiting case of FitzHugh-Nagumo model).

Cognitive architecture developed within the framework of the NCA represents a complex multi-level hierarchical block combination of neuroprocessors divided into 2 sub-systems, in analogy to the two cerebral hemispheres. One of the sub-systems is responsible for generating new information and learning, and the other - for processing the well-known information; This specialization is provided by different principles of neural-connection training in the two subsystems. This architecture allows us to interpret concepts of unconsciousness, intuition, sense of humor, aesthetic emotions, etc.

It is important to stress that the originality of the NCA is secured primarily by account for the basic principles of DTI. It is this theory allows us to approach the problem of "Explanatory Gap", formulated in 1983 by J.Levin but still actual -- where could be a bridge from the ensemble of neurons (neurophysiology) to the concept of "consciousness" (psychology and philosophy).

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