
Conference publications


XXIII conference

Interactive computer textbooks on differential equations

Gurina T.A.

Мoscow Aviation Institute (National Reseach University), Faculty "Applied Mathematics and Physics", Volokolamskoe shosse, 4, Moscow, 125993, Russia, Phone: (915)-281-23-87, E-mail:

1 pp. (accepted)

Interactive tutorial on differential equations, combines the functions of an electronic textbook and theoretical problem book online with an individual set of problems with electronic references and tips rating system across the group and faculty. The textbook is designed as part of a distance learning system of Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI LMS) and is designed for self-preparation of students for classes MAI, tests and exam for the course “Differential Equations", effectively complementing classroom seminars and lectures.

The theoretical part contains adapted for interactive use of the classic material of the course "Differential equations". All definitions, theorems, comments, formulas, examples are provided with interactive links. The practical part consists of 17 chapters, each of which includes three sets of tasks: test, training and control. Preparation of a large number of variants of tasks carried out in the analytical calculations “Maple” via parameterization tasks several randomly chosen parameters.

In the 2014/15 academic year textbook was tested 12 groups of students MAI. 80% of students in these groups have worked all sections of computer training and 90% of them have received a positive assessment on the three tests and exams, with 35% of students having a high ranking in the tutorial is easy to write three test papers and deservedly got good and excellent marks.

In the fall semester of the academic year 2015/16 a set of tasks substantially expanded to more complex tasks, and additional sections. Additionally, instead of selecting the correct answer choices students are invited to enter directly answer analytical formula that dramatically increases the objectivity of the resulting estimates.


1. Кибзун А.И., Вишняков Б.В., Панарин С.И. Оболочка системы дистанционного обучения математическим курсам // Вестник компьютерных и информационных технологий. № 10, 2008. Стр. 43-48.

2. Gurina Т.А. Computer Textbooks on Differential Equations. Компьютерный учебник по дифференциальным уравнениям // Тезисы XXII Международной конференции «Математика. Компьютер. Образование». 2015. Стр. 363.

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