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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXIII conferenceIntensification of the educational process and independent work of students in the study of physics by means of distance learningRussia, 423604, Republic of Tatarstan, Yelabuga, Kazanskaya Street, 89 1 pp. (accepted)In modern conditions to provide quality educational process is impossible without the use of advanced information and communications technology training and education. The introduction of interactive forms intensifies the learning process, revitalize and improve the efficiency of independent work of students. An important role is played by the development and use of electronic educational resources with the subsequent introduction into the educational process of distance learning elements. To achieve these goals is now widely used e-learning management system (LMS). This paper presents the experience of the development and use of e-learning courses in the LMS MOODLE at the Department of Physics and Information Technology of KFU Elabuga Institute [1-3]. Courses are located on the site of distance learning CFI, contain all the necessary training, supervising and supporting elements, and are intended for information support corresponding classroom courses as well as for the effective organization of independent work of students. The paper presents the structure, content and methods of use of e-learning in the educational process. It is shown that the use of e-learning courses in the LMS MOODLE in the teaching of physics and related disciplines allows the teacher to improve the quality of the learning process more effectively organize the work of students outside of the classroom.
References. 4. Timerbaev R.M., Shurygin V.Yu. Activation of the process of self-development of students in the study of the course «Theoretical Mechanics» through the use of LMS Moodle // Education and self-development, 4 (42), 2014, Pp. 146–151. 5. Timerbaev R.M., Shurygin V.Yu. Pedagogic Condition and Methodological Aspects of Education Intensification on the Course “Theoretical Mechanics” // Life Science Journal 11, 12, 2014. Pp. 405-408. 6. Shurygin V.Yu., Krasnova L.A. Organization of students` independent work in studying physics based on distance learning technology in LMS MOODLE // Education and science, 8 (127), 2015, Pp. 125-139.