
Conference publications


XXIII conference

Problems of the institutional social system of russia and social policy parameters

Ovsienko U.V., Tarasova N.A., Vasilyeva I.A., Fontana K.A., Sushova N.N.

CEMI RAS, Russia, 117418, Moscow, Nakhimovsky prospect, 47.

2 pp. (accepted)

Studies have shown that Russian society is not actually a unitary socio-economic system and a social state, because:

1. In the Russian Federation happened the deepest differentiation of population incomes in the world, untypical for developed countries, exacerbated by the problem of corruption. It is unlikely to solve the issue the fact that in 2015 officials of the upper echelons of power were able to save a trillion rubles in wages (against the background of statements about the need for "decent" (i.e. high) remuneration of officials as a means against corruption). In the experience of developed countries, the minimum wage should be not less than 60% of the average. With corresponding laws in the Russian Federation, in the overwhelming majority of Russians would have a decent standard of living. High inequality of income also depends on the situation with other active income. (see Pp.2b, 2c and 3).

2. The institutional system of Russia is not socially fair, and Russian institutions are fundamentally different from social justice, because: a) their activities are often directed in practice at strengthening differentiation even of the official income of the population with an enrichment of the upper classes; b) in the process of their formation are allowed "loopholes", enabling the assignment of hidden income (i.e. in 2008 "disappeared" part of the state financial aid to the real sector); c) obtained reliable (due to exhaustive, multidimensional semiotic data control) assessment of the dynamics of the overall functional structure of the population's income at the macro level have identified the de facto preservation of its "non-social" character due to low share of labor income (in developed countries it is above 2/3) against inflated other actives.

3. The estimate of the dynamics of concealing the degree of labor income is close to 30%, and for other active income - has reached 60% or more; etc. Western experts on reforms in Russia are not always able to correctly assess its specificity and reality. And not all the settings of Western theoretists can be considered correct. Thus, D. North, the leading theoretician in the field of institutional economics considers effective only institutional changes initiated from the "bottom", and the government simply legitimizes them. But with a mechanisms controlling the activities of branches of the government, they cannot, without breaching the law, act for their own rather than for the public good (this is the practice of China's reform). In developed countries as a whole is not solved the problem of the reliability of the information being processed and the resulting estimates of socio-economic indicators. On the contrary we use effectively the developed common semiotic methodology to ensure reliability of indicators in the study for the correctness of the application of economic-mathematical apparatus, and further analysis of social policy.

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