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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXIII conferenceOn modeling the dynamics of quantum-thermal fluctuations117570, Russia, Moscow, ul. Krasnogo Mayaka, 11, 3, 200/ 1 pp. (accepted)Thermal fluctuations in thermodynamics are taken into consideration for half a century, but a consistent quantum statistical theory, which takes into account the co-quantum and thermal effects do not exist until now. In this paper we present an approach to the construction of such a theory based on the hydrodynamic form of quantum mechanics based on a generalization of the concept of thermal equilibrium, and while taking into account both the stochastic effects of quantum and thermal types. For the one-dimensional model obtained two high-speed parabolic system of equations of hydrodynamics where y = (u, v) T, u - diffusion velocity, v - the drift velocity. The above system is similar to the system of Euler equations, but differs from the latter in that it takes into account the quantum and thermal effects. To solve this system of equations is developed three-layer implicit difference scheme, which has the second-order approximation for the temporal and spatial variables. In solving this system of equations obtained solution in the form of a traveling wave of indignation in the space coordinate. This, along with the movement of the disturbance observed the evolution of the perturbations, reflecting its relaxation. It is shown that the hydrodynamic approach to quantum theory, proposed in this paper, basically allows you to explore the quantum thermal fluctuations on the basis of the reduced system of hydrodynamic equations.