
Conference publications


XXII conference

Information technology - an indicator of student culture

Sadulaeva R.S.

1 pp. (accepted)

The State Duma legalized learning through distance technologies, thus equating to the traditional distance learning that promotes the growth of technical literacy of young people, extending the range of its capabilities, as well as an increase in free time of youth. Education at a reasonable person of culture consumption is today one of the most urgent tasks of the renewal of society. The accelerated growth of spiritual, moral, aesthetic, cognitive human needs before the needs of the material is one of the most important indicators of consumer culture. Otherwise, the growth of welfare can clip undeveloped tastes lead to the growth and spread of consumer psychology. Young people, skillfully using opportunities and advantages of modern information achievements in social activities will always be in demand, and it will stimulate their intellectual, moral and aesthetic growth. Today we have a large arsenal of media tools, which is an invaluable tool in the spiritual, moral and aesthetic education of youth. We must use all means of media to convey to youth social ideology, they have the right to develop attitudes and beliefs. Educational work at the same time should have a positive impact not only on the mind, but also the feelings of a man, his emotions, feelings. Questions about the impact of scientific and technological progress on various aspects of human life, the culture and morality of man got up long ago. One thing is clear, that in these matters is dangerous to be definitive. In fact, the morality of a person's behavior is mediated by various educational factors, level of education and human culture, family traditions, etc. Access to information - it is certainly good. Another thing is whether it is good for education. In principle, in order to properly dispose of getting rich, too, need some knowledge. Wandering through electronic sites can not displace traditional training, for without him and efficient operation of the network is hardly possible. In other words, the Internet itself is not a threat. But the problem he still is. The advantage of a computer connected to the Internet is that the same equipment used for training and for professional work and for fun. Actually, this is already a big problem.

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