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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXII conferenceDevelopment of requirements for virtual biomedical laboratory as software productRussia, 117198, Moscow, Miklukho-Maclay st., 8, Medical Faculty MI People's Friendship University, Department of Medical Informatics, lukyanova@med.rudn.ru 1 pp. (accepted)Modern standards of high medical education suppose to increase the proportion of the hours of self-study. For developing practical clinical skills in universities created simulation classes with sets of phantoms. However, the disciplines of theoretical cycle are not covered, in this regard, the establishment of national educational software, which allows to replace a laboratory experiment is an urgent task. Objective: To develop a conception for creating computer simulators that allow students to develop specific skills and competencies in the study of biological models. Analysis of the functional tasks and types of practical work of students [1, 2] it possible to identify a number of requirements to the virtual biomedical laboratory (VMBL) as software products: didactic, functional, software and technology, as well as economic. Foreign computer laboratory workshops were analysed and reached the following conclusions: the programs reviewed only partially correspond to the content requirements of the relevant disciplines of Russian universities, almost do not meet them on the thematic and temporal decomposition educational material; implemented on the basis of the text descriptions with pictures, sound and video demonstrations, interactive flash presentations; Most programs are designed for local use; as a rule, are expensive commercial English-language products, updates, and support in Russia is not provided. The obtained results allowed to clarify the requirements that need to focus on the design phase when choosing a programming strategy, architecting a software product, the definition of the principles of object modeling biomedical experiments and tool selection program VMBL.
Литература. 1. Гордон К.Б., Ананьин Д.А., Игумнова О.В., Шимкевич Е.М. и др. Роль и перспективы биологического и медицинского эксперимента в подготовке студентов медицинских специальностей // Здоровье и образование в XXI веке. Т. 14. № 6, 2012. С. 87-88. 2. Гордон К.Б., Лукьянова Е.А., Проценко В.Д. др. Теоретические аспекты создания виртуального практикума по морфологическим дисциплинам // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Медицина. № 1. 2012. С.111-113