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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXII conferenceEcological aspects in the principles and laws of formation of a society and its development050020,Institute of Ionosphere, Kamenskoe plateau, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan 1 pp. (accepted)We study the problem of existence and harmonious development of open nonequilibrium dynamical systems on the top level of the hierarchy which is human society. The study is built from the standpoint of determinism and the principle of duality symmetries of the system and the constraints imposed on it, and also based on the condition that the basic laws of evolution of open dynamic nonequilibrium systems are universal. Moreover, all systems are arranged in a hi-erarchical sequence. It is assumed that the laws of the upper hierarchical level, determined by the laws of the lower hierarchical level, given the nature of external constraints. The principles of stationarity open nonequilibrium dynamical systems and their harmony with the external con-straints are determined. The questions of harmony between man and nature, ecology, as well as the main approaches to the conservation of the biosphere are analyzed.