
Conference publications


XXII conference

The dependence of the stress-strain state of uniformly loaded hinged plates on the topology of the reinforcing ribs

Barchenkova N.A., Maltsev A.R.

Voronezh, Plexanovskaya street, house 22, apt. 358

1 pp. (accepted)

The work formed the spatial finite element model to perform calculations VAT uniform hinged on a contour plate with longitudinal ribs on the uniform load using PVK SCAD. Parameters plate: 7.2 × 6.0 × 0.14 m 3, E = 33.1 GPa, ν = 0.2, the cross section of ribs 0.08 × 0.08 m2. The intensity of a uniform load of 20 kPa.

To determine the areas gain slabs were calculated taking into account the principal stresses. According to the analysis we can conclude that for elastic brittle material, reinforcing ribs should be directed along a path principal tensile stresses. In this case, we can assume that the crack will grow perpendicular to the direction of maximum tensile stress. Thus, it is recommended to strengthen the plate edges as a "diamond with a transverse diagonal. For rigid-plastic material reinforcing ribs should be directed at 45 degrees to the trajectories of the principal tensile stresses. Since the principal stresses to the extremes in the center of the plate, and their direction is parallel to the coordinate axes, the location of the reinforcing ribs should be diagonal.

To study used finite element model of the "shell-shell." Where slab ribs and presented a set of finite element 41. In this model, in PVK SCAD as well traced VAT slabs and ribs.

5 compares the following layout options reinforcing ribs: longitudinal (5 ribs on the horizontal axis, in increments of 1.2 m between the axes); cross (6 ribs on the ordinate axis with a pitch between axes of 1.2 m); cross (combines the properties of the previous two); diagonal (2 ribs intersect at the center of the plate); "Rhombus with transverse ribs" (ribs positioned appropriately).

When assessing the most effective option ribbing introduced set of criteria characterizing the deflection plates decrease with the increasing volume of material.

An analysis of the cumulative assessment criterion, we prove that for elastic brittle material is best reinforced with diamond-shaped cross-fin, and for rigid-plastic material - in a diagonal form.

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